I know it's a cliché to start off a blog post this way, but it's been quite a while since I updated this blog!
I'm really sorry for that!
Just to let you know, there is a reason why I haven't updated this blog in a while (and it's not that I'm lazy!)
Last month, I finally finished my university course! (woo!!!!)
All my classes are done, and my coursework has been submitted, now I've just got to wait for my grades.
If you follow me on other social media, you may have seen that I released a brand new EP last month too!
The EP is called '
Elements' and it was composed as part of my 'Independent Research Project' (more commonly known as a dissertation) and explores the themes of music as symbolism.
The EP is an ambient, instrumental music project, and it's the second ambient music project that I've released.
Here's the beautiful artwork for the EP, shot by my father |
I'm currently working on lots of new music that I plan to release very soon!
In regards to this blog, now that I'm done with university, I plan to start writing and updating this blog much more frequently. I've currently got a few ideas for new music-themed posts, as I feel like I haven't done enough talking about music on here yet.
I read a lot of blogs, and watch a lot of vloggers, but I'm still feel like I'm fairly new to the concept of blogging. Some of you may know I've been writing a blog over at for a few years now, but I just write that to document the creation of my own music.
I've got a few ideas of things I want to write about on here in the future, but I'm open to suggestions. Are there any things you'd like to see me discuss on here? Let me know!
Keep checking back for more updates,
Josh :-)
And if you'd like to follow me on other social media, click here for links to everything I'm on!